Riverford APP
Why download our app?
- View your next delivery at a glance, making it easy to manage your orders.
- Browse our full range of veg boxes, recipe boxes and farm shop produce to get all you need.
- Easily create your own regular order – add items for delivery weekly, fortnightly, or every 3 to 4 weeks.
- Get the freshest seasonal produce before it’s gone.
- Pause or cancel your deliveries at the click of a button.
- Get handy alerts reminding you of your last chance to order, and when to put out your boxes for collection.
- Find out what’s in season when, and get expert cooking tips.
Whether you want a seasonal veg box, an inspiring recipe box, or enough organic food to feed a family, the Riverford app has it all in your pocket.
Riverford have been farming organically for 30 years, delivering unrivalled flavour: from the carrotiest carrots to the sweetest tomatoes, with a fair price for farmers guaranteed. Our iconic seasonal veg boxes are The Observer’s Ethical Product of the Decade.
Try for yourself, today. Get organic veg, fruit and more from the UK’s #1 rated online organic shop.