High-accuracy color detection system. RGB, CMYK, HSV, HTML, HEX, HSL, RAL.

Latest Version

Mar 25, 2023

App APKs

RGB Color Detector APP

Best app to detect and pick colors! Detect millions of colors from an image.

"Color detector"
- Use the Camera to take a photo, or use your gallery to load an image and detect the colors inside.
- Extreme precision pixel by pixel.
- Area detection.
- Easy to use with the multitouch zoom and pan.
- Different color formats and conversions like RGB, CMYK, HSV, HTML, HEX or HSL. Include name of the colors. Include RAL palette conversion.

"Analyze color for chemical assay"
- Developed by Dr. Theerasak Rojanarata, Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University, Thailand.
- Find the relationship between color and concentration of substance, and predict the concentration of samples.

"Color lists"
- Save the colors on your phone for later use.
- Get inspired with our color lists. Web colors, flat colors, ral, named colors, etc

"Color Picker"
- Create or edit colors with the color picker. Change the RGB, CMYK, HSV, HEX or HSL values of the color.

"Texture creator"
- Create amazing texture with your favorite colors
- Save texture as image.
- Use texture image as wallpaper.
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