RFinder WW Repeater Directory APP
- RFinder is the Official repeater Directory of Radio Amateurs Canada... Canadian Amateurs who subscribe contribute to RAC.
- RFinder is the Official repeater Directory App of Radio Society of Great Britain... UK Amateurs who subscribe contribute to RSGB.
- RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of Amateur Radio Society Italia… IT Amateurs who subscribe contribute to ARS Italia.
- RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of Federación Mexicana de Radioexperimentadores… MX Radioaficionados who subscribe contribute to FMRE.
- RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of Deutscher Amateur Radio Club...DE Amateurs who subscribe contribute to DARC DE.
- RFinder isEl directorio de LRMDetidor con la base de datos oficial de Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles...ES Amateurs who subscribe contribute to URE ES.
- RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of L’association Réseau des Émetteurs Français...FR Amateurs who subscribe contribute to REF FR.
- RFinder is the Online Repeater Directory of American Radio Relay League...US Amateurs who subscribe contribute to ARRL US.
- RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of Cayman Amateur Radio Society...KY Amateurs who subscribe contribute to CARS KY.
- RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of Rede dos Emissores Portugueses...PT Amateurs who subscribe contribute to REP PT.
- RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of Liga de Amadores Brasilieros de Radio Emissão...BR Amateurs who subscribe contribute to LABRE BR.
- RFinder is the Official Repeater Directory of Lietuvos Radijo Mėgėjų Draugija...LT Amateurs who subscribe contribute to LRMD LT