Rever APP
According to the latest research carried out, Brazil needs to pay special attention to the problem of garbage, and the dumps continue to grow, according to the Brazilian Association of Public Cleaning and Special Waste Companies (Abrelpe).
Regarding the selective collection, the survey indicated that about a third of the Brazilian municipalities, 1,600 cities, still do not have any type of initiative to separate the waste in order to allow reuse and even those that still need ways to increase the participation of the population to optimize this process.
Based on this scenario the Rever application seeks to guide and seek a greater engagement of the population, creating a greater link between it and the public power.
The application has features to mention:
Notifications on the collection, according to the citizen's address;
Mural for dissemination and orientation of subjects related to sustainability, where through this the municipality will be passing news, orientations, works done by the entity and other communties of general interest of the population.
Channel for notification of environmental irregularities, whereby the citizen can be notifying in real time the municipal entity of situations that he judges irregular and that are in some way causing damage to the environment or to the city.
For the next versions we are already preparing several new features ...
The chain of selective collection involves and moves several people contributing to more sustainable cities and at the same time generating social inclusion. We need to keep in mind that a small action of many leads to great results and is thus thinking that we need to collaborate.
Let's do our part and take care of our home, our planet because the impact of our actions will reflect directly on future generations and we must surely think about the world that we will leave for our children and grandchildren.
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