Responder Audit App by BWARE

Latest Version

Mar 20, 2023
Google Play ID

App APKs

Responder APP

Responder is a free tool designed to assist Safety Manager Users while out of office, on site. Users of the App are able to complete a limited set of functions from Safety Manager when they cannot do so from their office. The App is designed to provide access to existing information from Safety Manager, and provide notification of any actions or forms required to be completed by the user.

Functions provided include:

• Ability to complete forms created by users in Safety Manager, this includes the capability to add images, comments, create corrective actions from forms. And link attendees from your list of employees or contractors.

• Create, edit, and Sign off Actions required on site. Actions can be assigned to either employees (Workers) or contractors (PCBU’s)

• View Workplace (Site Specific) plans created in Safety Manager, or build basic plans using your existing data from Safety Manager. This includes checklists, emergency plans, training competency matrix, TA and SWMS’s, associated risks, hazardous substances, required training, workers and PCBU’s who are going to be working onsite, equipment required

• View or Edit existing Task Analysis (TA) and Safe Work Method statements (SWMS). Users are also able to create these from the app when out on site.

• Ability to complete competency assessments for workers for any training entered in Safety Manager that has been flagged as requiring assessment.

• Sign in and Sign out of workplaces. This allows Managers to see who is on site at any time and collect hours worked for any worker or PCBU

• View site specific information including pdf’s of any forms completed for workplaces either on the app or from Safety Manager. Ability to view pdf reports for sections of workplace plans.

• Dashboard access to logged in users information including forms completed by the user, general documents from the App Library created in Safety Manager, all actions for user grouped by overdue, due this week, future actions, and completed actions.
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