Reso Emploi APP
The RESO Emploi app allows employees and members to manage their searches, their requests, their information, with a simple click! View your services, sign your documents, take your time sheets wherever you are and at any time.
The RESO Emploi app allows
For employees:
• Access the list of offers for your RESO,
• Receive offers tailored to your profile,
• Filter offers by profession and location,
• View the details of your current services (location, schedules, outfit, etc.),
• To contact your RESO.
For members:
• To make employee requests,
• To sign the documents,
• Enter timesheets.
Suggestions, questions? Your opinion interests us, do not hesitate to share it with us.
RESO is a group of employers specializing in the hotel, catering and tourism sectors which offers tailor-made HR solutions.
The employers' group (GE) is an association created by hotel and restaurant owners wishing to act for employment, which allows the pooling of skills. It allows several member companies to share the skills of an employee and provide additional resources such as human resources management.
By downloading this application, you accept RESO's cookie policy, privacy policy and terms of use, available at