Reports2Go APP
To do an inventory, you simply go on site and work through each room describing condition of various items. The app guides you through the process. At the end of the process on-site, when you are ready to upload media, a checklist is executed to ensure that all important items have been covered.
We have two modes by which you can use our app: Audio and Text.
With Text mode you use our custom predictive text keyboard to type descriptions and conditions. Our predictive algorithm offers meaningful suggestions for each section e.g. ceiling, lighting etc. and it's remarkable how easy it is to create descriptions quickly. With Text mode your report will be automatically generated and be available on your portal account a few minutes after the media has been sent to our servers. Text mode is free with optional paid features.
In Audio mode you use dictation to capture precise details quickly and accurately and add photos as necessary. Your dictated descriptions are recorded directly into the device. We have many features to ensure that all rooms and property details are covered in totality and efficiently. At the end of your work your media is uploaded to our portal. You can then type the text up yourself or have our staff type up for you. They assemble and deliver a completed report back into the portal.
Our portal allows you to manage completed reports and manage other account settings.
Reports are based on templates that can be customised with your Ts & Cs and Logo.
Starting with an inventory you can create multi-column reports for check-ins and check-outs. Media from the previous reports is available when on site for conducting the next one.
In summary our app:
- is very easy to use
- is based on a process proven over many years and many 000s of completed reports
- allows for high accuracy and detail in condition reports
- delivers a complete, finished report in PDF format, multi-column, which you can edit if necessary.
Reports2Go. Supporting the full report lifecycle.