Rentbrella APP
Our umbrellas are designed to endure the most intense of rains with their reinforced fibreglass structure and hydrophobic fabric technology.
How to start using Rentbrella:
1. Create an account and register a credit card
2. Use the map to find the closest Rentbrella station
3. Tap "I want an umbrella" and scan the station's QR Code
4. Use the station keyboard to type in the code generated on the app
5. Withdraw the umbrella and enjoy the city
6. Return it in any other Rentbrella station using the app
What's the use of owning an umbrella if we're always without it when it rains? For this reason and many others, we believe that through sharing we can achieve a more efficient, conscious and innovative world.
Can we help?
If you want to know more about Rentbrella, visit us at and if you have any questions, check our 'Help' tab inside the app, we'll get you sorted.