Reminder with Alert APP
This app gets straight to the point without any complications. Set an alarm to remind you of all the tasks and to-do list items and sit back and put your mind at ease.
You create simple notes or reminder task both.
Easy and quick to set reminders.
- Reminder in a customised way with repeat options minute, hour, daily, weekly, monthly, weekdays, yearly.
- Can set in-advance alerts for Reminders.
- It will remind you with alarm notification.
- Can smartly handle your reminder notification in case of Driving Car etc for your safe drive.
- A reminder can be set for any date, day and time you can Synchronise birthdays and anniversaries of your friends.
- You can set reminders to friends and remind your friends to remember something important.
With this Send Reminder feature, you can :
1. Set an Alarm for your friends to meet up.
2. Set an Alarm for your husband to buy groceries while he returns from office.
3. Set a Reminder for your office meetings.
4. Set a Birthday Reminder.
5. Set a Gentle Reminder to a friend who owes money.
6. can create simple yo do list without the reminder
7. make simple notes without reminder just to remember
Easy to manage all important things like:
★ Deadlines
★ Homework and Assignments
★ Daily Tasks
★ Meetings
★ Birthdays
★ Anniversaries
★ Errands
★ Important Calls
★ Paying Bills
★ Taking Medication
★ Making Notes