Remaps APP
Remaps is a product providing information around data parameters, map images, ... related to the real estate sector on a technology platform. With the message "Reroute your right maps", Remaps turns complex things into simplicity to help users reroute Real Estate information in the most accurate way.
Up to now, Remaps has many outstanding numbers:
✔More than 8 million land parcels, more than 1000 projects, tens of thousands of large and small apartments across 10 provinces and cities in the country.
✔Over 12 features to assist users in connecting to the Multi-dimensional Real Estate market.
With the above special parameters, when you use Remaps technology, you will:
✔Save time compared to traditional lookup
✔Enjoy a source of potential customers without having to rub the market
✔Create a personal brand for your products
✔Check information quickly and accurately.
✔Store more information
✔ Bring in high income and profit
✔ Access to lots of useful information in the industry
... ..
Currently, page has been operating on PC and Mobile aspect, including the following specific categories and features:
✔Manage cart: Owners of this feature will be allowed to post all real estate or keep to share products with others by R-code.
✔Import Data Management: Investment analyst, market analyst. This feature allows you to save plots during the survey.
✔Training the plan: You can check whether the land is in the planned area or not by dragging and dropping the left - right bar on the map easily even if the land is located far away from you.
✔ Search by number of sheets, parcel number, address, ...: Instead of taking a lot of actual arrival time to measure and check things around like utilities, routes, areas, ... hours Here you just need to enter the number of sheets, plot number or address, project information in the search box, all information will appear immediately.
✔Cross the boundary coordinates: Do you have only the boundary coordinates without any additional information about the site? Rest assured, enter the parameters on the Remaps page or immediately download an image containing the boundary data, you will know all the information right away.
✔Measuring on the map: You can draw on the map of the land you are interested in, all the parameters will appear immediately without you having to enter each number.
✔View real estate knowledge: Remaps has its own portfolio that includes all information and knowledge related to Real Estate to help you gain more experience.
✔Save Your Favorite Properties: To help you not miss any information, Remaps has equipped you with a 'Favorites' button, just click where you like and then can review the properties. This property when you need it.
✔Share location, real estate location: Remaps helps you to share your information, location to anyone who sees the share link in the fastest and most convenient way.
✔ View sales information: All information on Remaps is moderated, public and accurate.
✔ See price, roadway: Instead of other maps that do not help you to see how many meters of the roadway? At Remaps, everything is possible with just one tap of the area you are interested in.
For a truly enjoyable experience at Remaps. Create a Remaps account now and enjoy the benefits that it brings!