Rek Pay APP
The following cities are currently available:
- Bagé - RS;
- Bento Gonçalves - RS;
- Cinnamon - RS;
- Canoes - RS;
- Caxias do Sul - RS;
- Cruz Alta - RS;
- Farroupilha - RS;
- Garibaldi - RS;
- Lawn - RS;
- Guaíba - RS;
- Jaraguá do Sul - SC;
- Macaé - RJ
- Rio Grande - RS;
- Santa Maria - RS;
- Santiago - RS;
- Santo Angelo - RS;
- São Gabriel - RS;
- São Leopoldo - RS;
- Venancio Aires - RS;
- Viamão - RS.
Register your vehicles and buy credits for future parking, thus avoiding having to go to the operators or to a service point.
The app also allows the consultation of vacancies.