Reitertagebuch APP
Manage multiple horses in just one app. Coordinate the horse days with your riding participation and manage the blacksmith, veterinarian & co. Schedule. The annual, monthly and daily views help you to keep an overview. Quickly and easily create a diary entry in which you note the activities of your horse and at the same time inform all fellow riders about them. Generate a feed plan for your horse and use the time period function to plan the next additional feed regimen. Let yourself be reminded with the duty roster and never forget to-do's again. Distribute tasks in your horse group and tick off the services that have been completed. Save important phone numbers so that all horse group members can act directly in an emergency. Analyze your training, identify weak points and celebrate your successes with the rider diary app!
After the free 14-day test phase for horse groups, there is the option of taking out a subscription to continue using the horse group.
The subscription is only necessary for the respective horse group, all horse group members can use the rider diary app free of charge (e.g .: riding participations, co-riders and grooms.)