Regional Store APP
To Whom:
Got relocated to new place with new language ?
Appointed new cook but not able to communicate all the items in her known local/regional language ?
Finding hard to buy daily needed items like Groceries, Vegetables and Spices etc.. in local general stores/groceries shop?
Are people asking you in their regional language when you want to buy some thing in shop ?
Have you ever got struck to know what you call in English a specific Vegetable,Fish, Fruit, Spices etc.. ?
If you are answer to any of those questions is Yes .
Then we are here to help you.
Regional Store is an offline rich user interface app to help any Indian user to know the daily needed items like Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Nuts, Grains, Pulses, Flours, Animals, Birds, Fishes, Colors, Groceries and Other daily needed items in popular Indian languages like Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada and English.
1)We have covered around 350 exclusively Handpicked items which includes 71 Vegetables, 35 Fruits, 28 Spices,14 Nuts, 19 Grains, 14 Pulses,Flours, 42 Animals,17 Birds,50 Fishes,11 Colors and 37 Other daily need items.
2) Allows you to search any item with any letter among all items in main screen.
3) Also type specific fast search in the respective category. like you can search any vegetable in vegetable category.
4) Can be viewed either in grid view or list view by selecting the top right Grid/List icon.
5) Can be changed to any language at any time in the specified category.
6) Any time you can get in touch with us by clicking top left information icon.
Regional Store app is meant for all the age groups and genders.
This will also educate your children/kids to know all the items in their own regional language and as well as other popular languages with beautiful images.
Regional Store app will help women while preparing/explaining a recipe to some new friend/colleague with all the recipes, groceries and other daily need items.
Regional Store app will help all kind of people in super market / shopping / kiranam shop / dukanam to translate from one regional language to another language when you are confused with English labels on groceries.
Now its time to help us and encourage in return by giving your valuable rating and feedback as comments.
Please feel free to contact us by using information icon on the top left side.