RegFox Check-In APP
With QR code scanning, manual lookup, multi-device sync, progress reports, registration editing, and signature collection, RegFox Check-in App makes your check-in experience smooth and stress free. Enter the App Key from your RegFox online registration software and.. presto! All your attendee data is now locally on your phone ready to scan and check-in your attendees.
Here are some of the key features in the app:
• Progress Dashboard: See how many attendees have been checked in and how many are remaining.
• QR scanning: Scan an attendee’s confirmation page or phone to look up their record and checkin.
• Manual Search: Lookup any attendee based on name, email or address.
• Group Check-in: Check-in groups with a tap of the screen.
• Edit Registration in App: Need to edit an attendee’s registration? Hit edit, make your changes, and charge the card on the file.
• Offline Mode: Save all check-in data locally and use the check-in app while offline and sync later.
• Finger Signature with Photo Proof: Capture a headshot and collect a finger signature from attendees for waivers and terms.
• Redeem Merch and Sessions: Redeem purchases and check-in people into sessions.
• Self Check-in: Turn your device into a self check-in kiosk with self check-in mode.
*RegFox checkin app is only compatible with RegFox online registration software.