RedTrucks - Online Load and Tr APP
About Redtrucks - is an online Load and Truck Broker platform owned by MSP Transports and Lorry Booking Office. MSP Lorry Booking office has 31 years of experience in the Lorry Brokerage business since 1987 and helped the transportation industry to transport Millions of tons of goods from one place to another place. is a eCommerce based BROKER platform developed to solve key problems in transportation of goods,
◈ Finding loads nearby trucks where trucks is located
◈ Finding trucks in/around the transporter where the loading point is located
◈ Book Loads and Trucks from anywhere and anytime. No turn system. First come and first Service
◈ Negotiation of Lorry Rent
◈ Transparency in Lorry Rent
◈ Increase the truck running days to 100%
◈ Avoid delay in transportation of goods and increase the business efficiencies
◈ Tracking Loads and Trucks(RedTrucks GPS tracking system)