In a single click, over thousands of job vacancies under different sectors ranging from Accounting, Administration, IT, Marketing, Banking & Finance, Airline, Retails, Catering, Logistics, to Government. Our database is enable to provide jobs under permanent, part time, temporary or short term basis in order to cater your job hunting needs.
Our mobile apps is now upgraded with below highlights:
Job Search
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•Search jobs by permanent , part-time, contract, freelance and internship basis
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Personalized your job search
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•Upload your own resume to apply job in a click
•Use Resume to easily applying to select post
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•Recruitment Day Information can also be found for corporation
To activate the job application feature, you can simply upload your resume to your account with You can hence apply your ideal jobs in a click anytime, anywhere.
Great opportunities are waiting for you! Set off your career hunting journey with Recruit apps now!