Reclip APP
The ReClip (are clips), quite time-consuming but important, is an application to perform on your behalf to accept the office and stores.
Once the customer is Irassha' to accept, ReClip (are clips) will be notified by any of the tool!
Collaboration and of chatwork and slack, such as chat tools, we work with E-mail and SMS notification, such as quite a lot of tools.
Visitor's name, company name, as accepted table the requirements, and fill-input to the tablet. Described can be saved with improved reliability in the autograph adopted a handwriting input. (Keyboard input is not required) data that has been described is centrally managed along with the entry time. In the flow at a later date even properly one day, actually "who" and "when" came to either be confirmed, and you do not save in the paper to take place! !
Is the first in the visitor of the notification, tea preparation and of in the meantime, the movement can afford the time, such as born. In addition, after the reception completion notification, and to check the system, in what kind of requirements, Who has come? Because it is also to be able to check in advance that such as, preparation and business cards, you can in advance of the attitude of the correspondence.
Benefits of ReClip (are clips)
Obvious even from later in the - who came of either WEB system!
Telephone receptionist and misheard mistake is eliminated!
Since the tablet is processing, agency phone is not necessary!
And paper-based but with but storage space it takes space because it is managed by the digital data unnecessary!
- handwriting input or the like, can correspond to an extension of the accepted flow of until now.
System is simple, easy operation!