Realm: Virtual Universe APP
In REALM you can be and create anything you can imagine. You can play, socialize and design your own personalized digital realm with AR / mixed reality for free. You can reach and engage new audiences, nurture meaningful communities, and monetize.
Create an account and unlock a world of infinite possibilities.
Enjoy our epic quest game and earn virtual goods. Create your realm for free with our builder tool, offering over 600 customizable items. Own all the data & IP of your creations.
We donate 1/3 of our profits to our sustainability partners. Every time you engage in REALM you positively impact the real world. In our circular economy you can recycle digital plastic and get rewarded with tokens to spend in our marketplace, effectively turning digital trash into a commodity. When you grow digital trees, we plant trees IRL; when you protect the coral reef, we clean the real oceans - this is all possible in REALM.