Reactive Resume APP
With this app, you can create multiple resumes, share them with recruiters through a unique link and print as PDF, all for free, no advertisements, without losing the integrity and privacy of your data.
You have complete control over what goes into your resume, how it looks, what colors, what templates, even the layout in which sections placed. Want a dark mode resume? It’s as easy as editing 3 values and you’re done. You don’t need to wait to see your changes either. Everything you type, everything you change, appears immediately on your resume and gets updated in real time.
✨ Features
- Free, forever
- No Advertising
- No User Tracking
- Sync your data across devices
- Accessible in multiple languages
- Import data from LinkedIn, JSON Resume
- Manage multiple resumes with one account
- Open Source (with large community support)
- Send your resume to others with a unique sharable link
- Pick any font from Google Fonts to use on your resume
- Choose from 6 vibrant templates and more coming soon
- Export your resume to JSON or PDF format with just one click
- Create an account using your email, or just Sign in with Google
- Mix and match colors to any degree, even a dark mode resume?
- Add sections, add pages and change layouts the way you want to
- Tailor-made Backend and Database, isolated from Google, Amazon etc.
- **Oh, and did I mention that it's free?**