Reaction Time GAME
Response time is the sum of reaction time and movement time. Usually the focus in research is on reaction time. There are four basic means of measuring it but in this app we use only one:
- Recognition or Go/No-Go reaction time tasks require that the subject press a button when one stimulus type appears and withhold a response when another stimulus type appears.
Warning: Each device is different and there may be additional delays depending on the number of background processes and the age of the device.
● Touch the blue screen to begin.
● Wait for the screens turns green.
● When the screens turns green, tap on the screen quickly!
● Touch the screen again to continue to the next test.
● Reaction time test.
● Minigame.
● Local best tries.
● Local last tries.
● On-line leaderboard.
● Achievements.
● You can share your results and compare with your friends.
● Send us a message for to help us improve or send us suggestions.