RaspberryPi Camera Viewer APP
Starting from version 4.0 you can create your own plugins. More details on github: https://github.com/pzuk/raspberry-pi-camera-viewer-plugins/
You can also easily embed RaspberryPi Camera Viewer to your Android application
More details on github: https://github.com/pzuk/raspberry-pi-camera-viewer-embedded-example
Current version is backward compatible with previous versions, so if you still want to watch stream from your RaspberryPi only, please follow points below:
1. Connect RaspberryPi Camera board
2. ssh to your Raspberry Pi and launch:
raspivid -n -t 0 -h 200 -w 320 -fps 25 -hf -b 2000000 -o - | gst-launch-1.0 -v fdsrc ! h264parse ! rtph264pay config-interval=1 pt=96 ! gdppay ! tcpserversink host= port=5000
where host= should be replaced by your RaspberryPI IP address.
Low latency version:
1. Connect RaspberryPi Camera board
2. ssh to your Raspberry Pi and launch:
raspivid -t 0 -hf -n -h 480 -w 640 -fps 15 -o - | nc -l -p 5001
3. Open RaspberryPi Camera Viewer and launch pipeline:
tcpclientsrc host= port=5001 ! queue2 max-size-buffers=1 ! decodebin ! autovideosink sync=false
More information about low latency experiment with Android, Raspberry Pi and Gstreamer: https://pzuk.wordpress.com/2015/12/29/android-raspberry-pi-camera-low-latency-via-gstreamer/