RAS Rajasthan Administrative Services Exam Preparation.
App from Sana Edutech helps students in Rajasthan prepare for all kind of Civil servants jobs competitive exam preparation.
Totally more than 15,000 questions, properly categorized in multiple sections !
- Coverage of questions covering wide variety of subjects
- Focusing on India, World events, Science, Day-to-day GK all for competitive exams & general awareness.
- Fast UI, Best in class user-interface presented in Android app Quiz format
- App designed to work for all screens - Phones & Tablets
- Review your answers against right answers - Learn fast
- Detail reports on your performance of all quiz attended
- No limits on quiz, retry any number of times
Subjects covered:
- General knowledge - Awareness
Including, Sports, Places, Events
- Indian Polity (Political system)
- Basic economics & commerce
- Indian Freedom movement
- Indian History
- Indian Geography
- Everyday science
Disclaimer: Sana Edutech helps students preparing for all type of Competitive exams in India. We do not affiliate in any way with the Government agency conducting the respective exam.