Random Wikipedia - Learn/Expl APP
We live in an age of abundant information. Wikis and encyclopedias are a ways to organize this vast information, and Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia is the king of wikis. But as the information grows every year, we can easily become entangled in a mess of information.
Even focusing on a specific topic can be challenging. With Random Wikipedia, you can increase your knowledge about any topic you like in a fun stress free way.
Just enter a topic and it will display a Wikipedia article related to the topic.
Search for topics
Open and read Wikipedia articles
Find related articles
Realistic simulation Wikipedia rabbit hole
Multi-language suport
Easy minimal design
NOTE: As of 2021 Wikipedia is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Coincidentally, this app was created at the same time. So, in a way, this is a birthday gift to Wikipedia and all its contributors and users. Happy 20 years, Wikipedia!
Learn more about how people are celebrating Wikipedia's 20 years:
About Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
"Wikipedia is a free and open encyclopedia, hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. The heart and soul of Wikipedia is our global community of over 200,000+ volunteer contributors, billions of readers, and donors like yourself – all united to share unlimited access to reliable information." (from wikimediafoundation.org):
This app is not affiliated with the official Wikipedia app by the Wikimedia Foundation.
However, this app does support the ideals of Wikipedia and related Wikimedia Foundation projects. It is not meant to replace Wikipedia but as a way of offering a different and fun way of exploring the vast knowledge on Wikipedia.
You can find the official Wikipedia app here:
Random Wikpedia uses data freely provided by Wikipedia, made possible by good donors around the world. If you would like to make a donation, go to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Donate
If you have contributed to past Wikipedia/Wikimedia projects, i'd would love your feedback on new features. You've helped the world already, why not help some more?
About the Wikimedia Foundation:
The Wikimedia Foundation is a charitable nonprofit organization that supports and operates Wikipedia and the other Wiki projects. It is funded mainly through donations. For more information, please visit: https://wikimediafoundation.org/
Random Wikipedia is currently available in different languages.
To request a translation in your language please feel free to message developer.