Ram thakurer Bani Ram Thakur a APP
He would show His followers the path of enlightenment with the help of very simple advice like, “Chant His name always wherever you are. Do your duties and keep faith. That will do since the Almighty and His name are inseparable, identical and the same. One can even overcome the predestined by chanting His name alone. Showiness is not desirable as it blurs the truth.” Also known as Sri Sri Kaibalyanath and as Satyanarayan, his sweet and hearty advice lies deep-rooted in this app by, of and for his followers.
Features for users:
1) Completely in Bengali
2) Easy to use
3) Two finger zoom/pinch zoom for easy reading
4) Swipe Left/Right to go to next/previous article immediately
5) Future versions will include more of his sayings and add to fav/bookmark options!