Ragat Nepal APP
What Are the Main Functions of Ragat Nepal?
• People can search for the blood the need.
• People can request and donate blood through the app (Ragat Nepal)
• Requester and Donator can directly interact with each other
• People can also find the blood campaign
Why Do People need to know about Ragat Nepal?
Ragat Nepal is a social service application and a can be greater to solve the blood problem. So, in case of any one need blood in any are of Nepal. They can directly be touched with
What we do?
With the right donor data management, Ragat Nepal works closely like blood banks to maintain their information and recruit, engage and retain donors as per the demand.
What we do?
Existing blood management system in Nepal is manual, cumbersome and inefficient. Most blood banks record the information on blood collection/supply manually in registers.
Maintaining blood stock inventory is tedious with laborious back-office paperwork and managing information on availability and shortage of blood is a tall task.
A social initiative for a smart, transparent, and holistic blood management service from collection to sUpply.
When it comes to blood, right information at the right time can be the answer to a life and death situation. So Ragat Nepal try to manage and solve this problem in digital way.