Radiolla APP
Free 7-channel non-commercial radio without ads, playing carefully selected music.
Radiolla - downtempo, easy listening
Jiraffe - jazz, funk, fusion
Volta - electronic, ambient
Equalyza - hip hop, dub
Mantra - world, ethnic, spiritual
Ilma - classical, contemporary
Clutch - rock, indie, metal
Artist and album information and images are provided for each track for your musical education and fun. scrobbling is supported as well.
Try landscape mode for comfort listening. Easily switch channels with swipe gesture.
Play our podcast online or download to listen offline - right in the app.
We rely on our listeners' charity. Please support us with donation!
We are the radio. Very good radio. Selected music without ads.
We have seven channels. All different, but all cool.
We are not very popular, but it does not matter. Music matters.
We touch your soul with nice music. To make you happy.
We do it for free, but you can donate or buy a T-shirt. You decide.
We all know where pop culture leads. We are not part of it.
We do not follow our listeners. They follow us and enjoy.