Rádio Clube FM 107,9 APP
Being a pioneer in broadcasting throughout the region, Radio Clube has trained professionals and has gained space. With an entrepreneurial spirit, businessman Aristóbulo da Silva Furtado invested in the communication sector.
Believing in the professionals who worked with the information and especially in the service that the radio took to the listeners, Mr. Ary, as it was known, continued the work begun by 85 people. Renowned citizens of Campo-Belen society were founding partners of the station.
After the death of the businessman, the children took over the command of Rádio Clube. The station has been administered by the Furtado Group and, currently, the direction of the Radio is in charge of the entrepreneur Eugênio Cardoso Furtado, having as manager Giovanni Otacílio Moreira.
With the era of modernity the broadcaster has followed the advances of technology and adapted over time. In 1978 a major change occurred. In that year, the Radio that operated with 100 Watts of power and the prefix ZYT5, began to operate with 1000 Watts and prefix ZYL 220.
Radio Clube became the first station in the region to implement this power. This allowed a wide range, making Radio programming reach many cities near Campo Belo.
Already in the year 1984, continued to progress, integrating itself to the world of the globalization.
In that year the station had the frequency modified to 930 kHz. This modification aimed to improve the service provided because this frequency region is less congested. As of this date it became known as ZYL 220 - Radio Clube de Campo Belo AM - 930 kHz.
In August 1997 Radio Clube in partnership with Rede Itatiaia de Rádio de Belo Horizonte joined Rede Itasat, taking a major step in the area of journalism with the transmission of newspapers in a network with the largest Radio de Minas and in sports broadcasts leading the sport and the best quality information to our region.
On August 26, 2001, Radio Clube again went ahead and put its website on the air.
Being the first in Campo Belo with daily update.
Accompanying the technology, in August 2003, Radio Clube, again underwent transformations. Always with the entrepreneurial spirit that inherited from the father, Eugênio invested in the transmitter acquiring a transmitter of greater power. This new equipment provided a more comfortable reception and audio of more fidelity to the listeners.
On May 24, 2004, he began to broadcast his sound live on the internet. The current studios are fully computerized and respect all the standards that govern the broadcasting industry. In addition, the employees who compose the station have passed the Total Quality Program administered by SEBRAE.
In February 2005 he started to work with the Censura Digital system of Playlist.
The last 30 days of all radio programming are archived. Connected online with Trackmedia, we can prove to advertisers the exact time of advertising delivery.
On December 22, 2008, he made available an additional internet address to access the radio website >> radioclube.net
The AM - 930 Radio Club brings information, service and entertainment to thousands of listeners with high - tech equipment, trained professionals, credibility in the dissemination of matters, editorial ethics and prestige.
On September 23, 2010, Rádio Clube was honored at the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais, on the occasion of its 62 years of service to the community.
On May 01, 2018, when it was 70 years old, Rádio Clube officially migrated to FM in frequency 107.9 with 3,500 watts of power.