RACC Infotransit APP
traffic information in Spain and Europe with the guarantee of RACC, the expert in the
automobile and mobility.
A must-have application to save time when you travel
All you RACC Infotransit can do for you:
■ TRAFFIC: Real-time traffic conditions with the highest level of detail the market.
■ FORECASTING forecast traffic for hours, so you can plan your routes with up to 12 hours in advance.
■ INCIDENTS: Most traffic incidents coverage of Spain (cut roads, accidents, road works, weather incidents, etc.)
■ CAMERAS: More than 1,200 traffic cameras from main roads and cities.
■ RADAR: All fixed radars of Spain, both in urban areas and interurban, including pitch control red lights and new radars section.
■ GASOLINERAS: More than 8600 gas stations with fuel updated daily and its opening hours to the public prices.
■ PARKINGS: More than 4700 car parks with your schedule, capacity and fares.
■ DISCOUNTS: Information discounts entire network of gas stations Solred (Repsol, Campsa and Petronor), parkings Saba and Aparca & Go Partner RACC.
■ GPS: tracking and tracing functions of the user, that help you in your navigation.
■ DIRECTIONS: Functionality that guides you to the gas station or parking of your choice, avoiding distractions.
■ COMMUNITY: Ability to inform other users of the application about incidents (accidents or mobile radar).
■ ASSISTANCE: Direct contact with roadside assistance service RACC.