Rabo Easy FX APP
can get started right away from your desktop or with our mobile app. In the app, you can easily
execute transactions to hedge your currency risks. Enter an amount and corresponding currency and
then specify when you want to receive or pay the amount. At that point, Rabo Easy FX will provide
you with a suggested exchange rate that you can lock in.
Use your mobile app to log in to the web version of Easy FX easily and quickly with QR-login.
• See currency rates which are relevant for you and set up notifications
• Execute currency transactions for your various companies
• Request reports and view your history
For more information (Dutch), visit https://www.rabobank.nl/bedrijven/betalen/internationaal-betalingsverkeer/valutarisico-afdekken/easyfx
Or take a look at the English brochure via https://pub.rabobank.nl/Rabo-Easy-FX-brochure-English/index.html
Do you already use Rabo Easy FX and have questions about the system? Frequently asked questions can be found on https://pub.rabobank.nl/Rabo-Easy-FX-support-page/index.html
For help with registration and activation, please contact Rabo Corporate Support via 088 727 11 61
or CorporateSupport@rabobank.com.