QWQER - Express Delivery APP
Available for private and legal individuals.
Why choose QWQER?
* Place an order just in a few clicks;
* Same day deliveries (express or evening);
* No need to print a label or follow rigid packing rules;
* Real-time delivery tracking;
* We also work on weekends and holidays;
* Best fit for urgent orders, perishable items, documents or gifts;
* We guarantee absolute security of the shipment.
Discover local restaurants and stores!
QWQER app is here not only to help you send different kinds of parcels, but also to make sure you are fed and your fridge is filled.
* Order from any restaurant in your city;
* Order anything you want;
* Real-time delivery tracking;
* Receive your delivery in minutes;
* Rate your experience.
Grocery to your door!
* No more staying in long lines;
* No more carrying heavy bags;
* Order any product you wish;
* Real-time delivery tracking;
* Receive your delivery in minutes;
* Rate your experience.
QWQER mission is forming the last stage of the supply chain elements, ensuring a simple and affordable service execution, delivering the product on the current day. Company values are employees, customers and partners.
Your feedback is important to us!
Feel free to leave a review or share it with friends. We love receiving feedback from you. If you see something that could be improved, let us know! We aim to make further improvements so that you could have the best experience.