Quotidiag APP
The news of real estate diagnostics, everywhere, all the time. In a rapidly changing sector, Quotidiag accompanies you and gives you the floor.
DPE, DDT, asbestos, energy audit, diagnoses with and without mention, certifications, we deal with all subjects that directly or indirectly affect the real estate diagnosis sector. Find daily news, a portrait, an editorial and stay up to date thanks to the free regulatory watch.✌️
With the Quotidiag application, find all the articles classified by category:
📢 News: the latest information deciphered by our experts so you don't miss any of the latest topics related to real estate diagnostics.
📅 Daily life: portraits and interview of diagnosticians, a unique way to discover their journey: varied profiles, cross-functional skills and unique life trajectories!
😇 😈 The mood: at Quotidiag, we are not afraid of words! Lovers of frank and unfiltered texts, the editor's favorites and rants are for you.
💻 The day before: Quotidiag offers free mandatory regulatory watch for real estate diagnosticians. Save a subscription and stay up to date with the latest decrees and orders governing the profession.
Never miss out on information related to DPE, energy audits, new reforms, in short, always be the first to know! 🥇
The Quotidiag app is free (and always will be)! ❤️