The Online Quiet Time is a system for personal, daily time in the Word of God.

Latest Version

Mar 31, 2021
Google Play ID

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Quiet Time APP

Make use of powerful tools to journal, tag and search through your daily devotional thoughts.

Use the integrated prayer management system to log prayer requests, manage their recurrence, share them with friends and receive notifications when they're prayed for.

Track your daily Bible Reading and use one of the many included Scripture translations
Peruse the community and connect with friends who want to have a conversation centered on God's Word.

Create groups and have a one stop option to centralize all your study, communication, and events for your Sunday school class, youth group, or small group.

Engage in accountability with our reports and private communication that you open up to a select group of your friends.

As our founder, Jack Wyrtzen, used to say, "Your Quiet Time isn't done until you share it!" Now that's easier than ever!
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