QuickCoord-LT APP
Decimal degrees (D.d): 41.725556, -49.946944
Degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS.s): 41° 43' 32.001, -49° 56' 48.9984
UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator): E:587585.90, N:4619841.49, Z:22T
MGRS (Military Grid Reference System): 22TEM8758519841
and these low accuracy formats:
GARS (Global Area Reference System): 261LZ31 (5X5 minute grid)
OLC (Plus Code): 88HGP3G3+66 (Location address area)
Grid Square (QTH): GN51AR (For ham radio purposes)
The position conversions update as the device is moved.
You can use this information to inform others of your position or an interesting location using the share feature.
Besides your current coordinates, you can also get coordinates of any other position on the map by tapping another point on the map.
You may also view the location conversions by inputting a D.d position on the keyboard.
Example of use: Say you are a Highway engineer and you need a position in UTM format. You may either move to that location (high accuracy) and scroll the display to the UTM coordinate, or input a position on the keyboard in D.d to display it on the map.
Thank you for installing and using QuickCoord.
There is an advanced version, PlusCoord which adds these features:
--Save locations to a database and view in a graphical listing.
--Take photos of locations and save to the database.
--Create KMZ, GPX, CSV, TXT and PDF files of arrays of locations for use in external mapping workflows (Google Earth/Maps, physical GPS units, spreadsheets, etc).