Qlue - Neighborhood Watch App APP
If you are one of those who are still confused on where to channel your complaints and feedbacks towards government and businesses, download Qlue now!
In bringing #BERANIBERUBAH social initiative, make your city better by improving it!
Let’s change the world, one Qlue at a time!
2015 - Google Playstore "Karya Anak Bangsa" #4 Best Aplication in Indonesia
2015 - Google Playstore Nominated as Beas Application in Indonesia
2015 - Free Magazine #2 Best Local App
2016 - Selected for one of the top OTT by Kemenkominfo and ATSI
2016 - Grand Finalist Startup World Cup in South East Asia
2016 - Markplus Industry Champion for E-Commerce and Application
2017 - Google Launchpad Accelerator Program
2017 - Indonesian Pavilion - Archipelageek di SXSW
City Government Partners:
1. DKI Jakarta
2. Pekanbaru
3. Probolinggo
4. Bima
5. Manado
Business Partners:
1. Asosiasi Perusahaan Telekomunikasi Seluruh Indonesia (ATSI)
2. Masyarakat Telekomunikasi (Mastel)
3. Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB)
4. Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (BEKRAF)
5. Property Company
6. Telco Company
7. Banking
8. Retail