- general details, with information about the degree and the university where the degree courses are taught: type, language, number of openings, where the university is located, this year's and last year's entrance exam cutoff scores, etc.
- The expected requirements tab provides details on the average number of credits completed by students for each degree according to the entrance path taken (Spanish vocational training or university preparatory course) and the score needed to enter the degree programme.
- The job market prospects section has information on the employment outlook for students graduating from each degree programme. There are Social Security statistics on employment, the percentage working as self-employed, the number of permanent contracts, the number of contracts in a category commensurate with the degree, and the average annual base salary for purposes of Social Security contributions for each.
There are two ways to search QEDU for helpful information about the degrees, by search term and by subject area:
- If you have a clear idea of the degree course you want to study, QEDU suggests searching by search term. Use whole words and then select the degree you are interested in for a search that will return more precise results.
- If you need information on degrees in a field, QEDU suggests searching by subject area and then browsing through the different divisions and subdivisions for that field. This will show you the different degree options that may offer what you are looking for.
In response to your search, QEDU will return a list of degrees that you can filter by cutoff score, location, university, type of studies, etc. When you have selected a specific degree programme, you can then check all the details mentioned above.
At every step QEDU gives you details concerning the data being displayed, how they are calculated, their source, and where you can get more information.