PÝGG - SDNP Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan PYGG, jerime, toleg, traffic police

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Mar 2, 2022
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PÝGG-nyň Jerime tölegi - Оплат APP

“PÝGG-nyň Jerime tölegi” telefon programmasy - bu Türkmenistanyň Içeri işler ministrliginiň Polisiýanyň ýol gözegçiligi gullugynyň işgärleri tarapyndan salynýan jerimeleri bankyň plastikümılımılımılımılımölımılımölımölımölımölımölıtıımölı kölömıtılımölıtı kırömılämıtalımölımıt and

Programma ykjam we netijeli işleýär, ol iki tapgyrdan ybarat:
Birinjisi, maglumatlary girizmek, ýagny kararyň belgisini, ulag serişdesiniň san belgisi, jogapkärçilige çekilen şahsyň ady we familiýasy, telefon belgisi, şeýle hem salynan jerimberi;

Ikinjisi, hasaplaşyk sahypasyna geçmeli we şol ýerde bankyň plastik kartasyndaky maglumatlary girizmeli.
Hasaplaşyk geçirilenden soň görkezilen telefon belgisine tölenilen jerime barada SMS habary ugradylýar.

Hasaplaşyklary hem-de şahsy maglumatlary goramak.
Ähli hasaplaşyk amallar ýörite goragly aragatnaşyk serişdeleriň üsti bilen amala aşyrylýar.
Programma üpjünçiligi bankyň plastik kartalaryň maglumatlaryny özünde alyp galmaýar.

The SDPP Fines Payment mobile app is an official service created to pay fines imposed by officers of the Road Police Supervision Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan using bank plastic cards.

The application works conveniently and efficiently, you need to go through only two stages:
The first step is to fill out a form - where it is necessary to indicate the number of the decision, the registration number of the vehicle, the name and surname of the person liable, the cell phone number, as well as the amount of the fine imposed;
The second stage, go to the payment page - where you must specify the details of the bank plastic card.

Immediately after payment, an SMS notification will be sent to the indicated mobile phone number about the payment of the fine.

Protection of payments and personal data.

All payment transactions go through special secure communications.
The application does not save bank plastic card data.
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