Puy du Fou - España APP
Use it as a complement to the visitor's guide that you will receive when you enter Puy du Fou España. Find the program for the day, the different catering outlets, the Stalls and all the services available. Check the opening times of each show so you won't miss a thing.
Check the interactive map to move around Puy du Fou España ; the application will let you know where you are in the park and will show you the route to the place you want to go and the distance you are from there.
Find the services closest to your location to choose your itinerary, classify the shows, restaurants or even the services by the distance they are located from you.
You can also book your tickets from the application, your menu and the different services offered.
Enjoy the simultaneous translation of "El Sueño de Toledo" in English and French, as well as our audio description service.
For an optimal experience with the App, we advise you to connect to the Puy du Fou España Wifi.
Application is available in English, French and Spanish.