Pushti Satsang APP
Pushti Satsang is an App on Pushtimarg, inspired & owned by Vaishnavacharya Param Pujay Goswami 108 Shri Kunjeshkumarji Mahodayshri (Kadi - Ahmedabad).
His Holiness Param Pujya Goswami 108 Shri Kunjeshkumarji Mahodayshri was born on auspicious day of 'Kunj Ekadashi' in Kadi, Gujarat to His Holiness Param Pujya Goswami 108 Shri RAJESHKUMARJI MAHARAJSHRI of Kadi, Kota. Shri Kunjeshkumarji Mahoday is the descendent of Shri MAHAPRABHUJI who is the founder of "SHRI PUSHTI MARG".
Shri Kunjeshkumarji had taken His primary education and Yagnopavit Diksha in Kadi after which he completed His higher education and Graduation from the Historical city of Ahmedabad. He has aptly propagated ideas and principles laid down by Shri MAHAPRABHUJI to the Pushtimargiya Vaishnavs under the guidance of His father by giving Brahmsambandha and Gruh Seva to the Vaishnavs. He is a firm believer that Seva and Satsang are the main goal of a DAS in Pushtimarg and has preached a number of vaishanavas in Gujarat, Saurashtra abroad like South Africa, London, Muscat, Behrein, Dubai etc about applying the same in their daily routine life. He has also established Satsang Mandal’s at various places. He has given numerous discourses on Bhagvad Vartahas made tremendous efforts and contribution for Pushtimarg by applying the core principal of Pushtimarg i.e. Seva and Satsang a routine in daily life of the Vaishnavs. Has carried out various Yatra’s like VRAJ SUKI PARIKRAMA in 2004, CHAMPARAN BETHAK YATRA in 2005, SAURASHTRA BAITHAK YATRA in 2007 & VRAJ LILI PARIKRAMA IN 2009, Char Dham Yatra 2014 vaishanavas in thousands had participated
in the yatra’s.
Shri Kunjeshkumarji being an Acharya also is very punctual, hardworking, self restraint, clever, soft spoken and an example for his followers.