All Notifications - One Application! PushAll service Instant push-notifications!

Latest Version

Jun 23, 2024
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PushAll - Push Notifications APP

PushAll - service Instant push-notification. It allows you to receive push notifications from various resources on multiple devices without installing individual applications for each resource. You can easily select the required channels and receive their notice, and is also easily unsubscribe from channels that you no longer need. Also on the site you can always follow the history of alerts.

All content and application - in Russian. The international version will come later.

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Using the service, you can receive notifications on different themes:

1. Messages from different services. Output of new articles, TV shows, any new content is filtered according to your needs. The creators of the channels can use the RSS feed, or social networks as a source for distribution.

3. Personal notification of the response to comments, personal messages, the new order. This new approach to notifications - less than a second is required on the arrival of Push-notification. This is much faster than e-mail, where people can see the letter a day later and more, it is cheaper and more practical SMS Available only on mobile devices.

4. It could be a notification in your work environment, for example from your CRM or online store. You and your customers will be notified in those situations you need. You can coordinate your business or your customer communication in your project, and it's free!

And much more. You may notice your notification by email or SMS - push notifications (implementation must implement a content provider)

Service has a flexible API for developers. You can specify your own icon, title, text, and a link where the user will enter when pressed. If you do not have experience in development, you can install a plugin for Wordpress or include integration with the RSS or Vkontakte. Even if you do not have a website - you can keep the channel notification manually.

We recently updated add-on for Google Chrome:
It repeats the functionality of Android applications, and it also has a built-in browsing history.

The site also has WebPush and integration with telegrams bot. Instructions for connection stored in the profile. But on Android it is recommended to use the native application as shipping it takes a few milliseconds and is more stable.

Soon we will add a history of notifications in a mobile application.

We work closely with TV serials voice: BaibaKo, NewStudio, Jaskiers Studio. There are also informal channels to receive notifications about the show: LostFilm, ColdFilm, aggregator My Series. The system also has blog channels, which include, Spark, TJournal, Rusbase, Layfhaker. Available Habrahabr, Geektimes and through the aggregator SoHabr Megamozg. You can filter the Push-notification you need. For example, you can select 2-3 or series of keywords for articles from all that go to your selected channel and be notified only about them.

All channels are in service on the original sources or aggregators to retrieve data.

Stay tuned to our community in Google+
We also ask you to report all the problems and wishes of the community.

Using the service to users for free. You can also send an unlimited number of alerts, donations are welcome.
Important: this app IS NOT news app.
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