Purchase Order App APP
With Purchase Order Builder, you can:
- Build Professional Purchase Orders, Invoices & Estimates.
- Use your company logo - Custom Branding.
- Create a Menu of all your Inventory items and set rates for each and easily apply them when creating POs to save time.
- Includes a Virtual Signature Pad to allow quick authorizations on the spot or remotely. This helps to speed up PO approvals.
- Get automatic notifications when your POs have been authorized.
- Save time by easily copying existing POs for new Orders, eliminating the need to start from scratch.
- Instantly Print, Export or Email in PDF format.
- Customizable templates with unlimited theme colors.
- Add Tax, Discounts, Shipping & handling & Amounts already paid info to your Purchase Orders.
- Multi-Currency Support.
- Add attachments (Images and Files) to your Purchase Orders.
- Includes Audit log to keep track of who does what with the POs.
- Includes custom user permissions to limit access.