Punto Palextra Nettuno APP
You can book your favorite lesson directly from your smartphone, check your progress and watch your training programs in real time.
You can follow the courses of your gym in streaming or watch those uploaded from your sports center from home, when you want and how you want.
You can log your nutrition, track your diet and share it with your trainer.
Furthermore, you will always be updated on the news of your sports center and you will be able to communicate with your trainer whenever you want.
Consult the training schedules from your smartphone
View the correct execution of the exercises from your smartphone thanks to the detailed videos
Follow your gym lessons from home thanks to the DIGITAL GYM
Manage your training diary
Log all your meals and share them with your trainer
Analyze your progress (muscle mass, fat mass, etc.)
Book your lesson or a room just for you
Contact your trainer from the app to ask him for advice and information
Receive news from your gym so you don't miss any events
Download the app, ask your gym for access data and revolutionize your way of training thanks to the Made in Italy technology of Punto Palextra Nettuno!