The application includes several game modes:
- a game with rules established at the beginning of the game
- a game without rules: you can set them yourself or play without competition
- game password generator
Divide into two teams. Find out who is team #1 and who is team #2. The application will do the rest for you. He will randomly select the order of play, slogans and the method of presenting the drawn slogan to the opposing team.
You can set the number of points to win the entire game (100 points equals ~ 1 hour of fun) and the time for a single round. The randomly selected team chooses a representative who, without showing the game screen to the others, clicks the option to select the password level (1, 2 or 3). The password and how to change it are displayed.
Hours of great fun guaranteed!
Two teams take part in the game. The team that is drawn first goes first. The representative of the drawn team chooses the difficulty level of the round.
Level 1 for 1 point - the password is a single word.
Level 2 for 3 points - the password is two words.
Level 3 for 5 points - password is 3 words or more.
After selecting the game level, the game starts and the round time starts counting down. The player receives a randomly drawn password and a way to present it to his team.
Tell: the player describes the drawn password using only words.
Draw: the player can only use a piece of paper and a pen, he or she must present the drawn password without words.
Show: the player must present the drawn password without using words or a pen.
If the team guesses the password, the player clicks the button
>Next round<
If the time expires and the password remains unguessed, the round will be automatically ended.
The team that reaches the point threshold selected at the beginning of the game wins.
Free play mode is also available!
You can set the rules of the game as you wish or play the game without points, without any competition - just enjoy the fun.
In this mode, you only draw a password and the way it is presented, further play depends entirely on you!
In free play, you can choose the level of the random password or randomize its level as well.
If you only care about passwords - the application has a password generator!
You can choose its difficulty or generate it randomly.
Game available in languages:
- Polish
- English
- german
- Spanish
- French
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Danish
- Swedish