Issuers can use videos to verify their location and share any potential job-related information with
the permit-in-charge and supervisors. PTW tracking, handover, cancellation, and sharing can be made
in an organized and convenient way.
Key features:
Simple, fully-featured forms reduce time consumed by paperwork.
Video requirements ensure smooth communication, and visual verification.
Risk Assessment Sheet is fully integrated.
Easy sharing of PTWs with concerned parties.
Automated permit numbers reduce confusion and speed up work.
Centralised permit data bank enables quick access to all generated permits.
Ensures standards compliance prior to permit generation.
Integrated digital signature interface to ensure that supervisors and permit-in-charge are
present during the permit generation process.
Enables simple PTW handover.
Remote cancellation of permits by issuers.
App functions in both online and offline modes. You can save your form and upload it before
starting work.