This is a complementary tool for the calculation of road transport arrival time.

Latest Version

May 31, 2023
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PTV Driver App APP

PTV Driver App


The PTV Driver App is a complementary tool for the calculation of road transport arrival time. The app serves as a demonstrator and testing tool for customers with the PTV Drive&Arrive cloud service. On the basis of your shipment's position, which is sent by the app, PTV Drive&Arrive computes the exact expected arrival time of your shipment and automatically informs all registered participants.


Initial Situation:

In the case of a deviation from the planned trip (e.g. because of a traffic jam), an information deficit is faced by the entire transport chain. Routes, as well as expected times of arrival to the customer/ramp, change and cannot be punctually communicated or rescheduled. Observance of driving and rest periods can lead to additional delays. The consequences are congestion and long waiting times at the ramp as well as delivery delays and contractual penalties.
To optimise this transport process, exact information regarding the expected arrival time (ETA) of a shipment at its handover point or the final destination in the delivery chain is required during the trip.

PTV Drive&Arrive is the solution! The app service automatically informs in real time all the participants of the logistical supply chain about the expected arrival time (ETA, Estimated Time of Arrival) of the shipments, so that they can quickly and dynamically react to it. The arrival time is calculated continuously and takes account of all relevant factors such as traffic, permanent closures, driver drive and rest periods, border waiting times, and truck-specific gangways. So that the arrival time can be exactly calculated based on the current location of the shipment, the driver automatically sends their position via the PTV Drive&Arrive Driver app (available here), and consequently supplies the decisive calculation component.

Please note:

Using the app is free and serves to test the relevant Cloud services of PTV Drive&Arrive. In order to be able to start calculating the expected arrival time of your shipments and to make other things available, you require access to the PTV Drive&Arrive Cloud service. If interested, you can apply for this using the contact form on our website at
The position of your shipments are anonymised during use and are only sent for calculation services; they are not tracked or announced publicly.
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