Melhor do que estudar o manual. Estude com mais inteligência e passe no próximo teste de DMV

Última versão

10 de set de 2023

App APKs

DMV Practice Test 2022 APP

The app will help you study for the written driver's license test. With several hundreds of questions to get your ready for the real test, you will pass with flying colors. You'll be pleasantly surprised how close the questions are to the actual test.

One app but it covers all 50 U.S. States & Washington D.C. All of the question sets are targeted toward the selected state with various difficulty levels.
1. Alabama
2. Alaska
3. Arizona
4. Arkansas
5. California
6. Colorado
7. Connecticut
8. Delaware
9. Florida
10. Georgia
11. Hawaii
12. Idaho
13. Illinois
14. Indiana
15. Iowa
16. Kansas
17. Kentucky
18. Louisiana
19. Maine
20. Maryland
21. Massachusetts
22. Michigan
23. Minnesota
24. Mississippi
25. Missouri
26. Montana
27. Nebraska
28. Nevada
29. New Hampshire
30. New Jersey
31. New Mexico
32. New York
33. North Carolina
34. North Dakota
35. Ohio
36. Oklahoma
37. Oregon
38. Pennsylvania
39. Rhode Island
40. South Carolina
41. South Dakota
42. Tennessee
43. Texas
44. Utah
45. Vermont
46. Virginia
47. Washington
48. Washington District of Columbia
49. West Virginia
50. Wisconsin
51. Wyoming

You just have to choose from the ever-growing list of selections.

Quick APP Features:
-Test mode: to simulate the testing environment
-Starred mode: to bookmark or save questions that you are interested in
-Cramming mode: to quickly review questions and answers before the actual test
-Detailed explanations on every question so it can further your understanding of the answer which will ultimately help you learn better
-Both road signs and road laws are covered within the app.
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