PSQI Questionnaire APP
There are many published academic papers regarding this questionnaire. The classic reference is listed here:
This mobile app provides a sample implementation of the basic PSQI questionnaire. This app can be used by itself, or it can be used as part of a suite of apps that is used to do health screening or diagnostic support.
By itself, this mobile app does not collect or share any data with a server. But this app can be used together with ANOTHER mobile app that is designed to collect data and store it in a secure database as part of a clinical study.
As an example, if we wanted to study the connection between sleep quality and diabetes, the PSQI questionnaire could be used together with the Diabetes Screener mobile app that provides database support and send data to a remote server. You can view the Diabetes Screener mobile app in this link:
An example of how these apps can be used together is demonstrated in the following YouTube video (for the case of Pulmonary Screener):
If you wish to use this mobile app as part of a clinical study using smart phone data collection, please contact our lab for more information.
Thank you.
-- Rich Fletcher (
MIT Mobile Technology Lab
Mechanical Engineering Dept.