P&S Agrovet aims to provide goat & sheep farmers, poultry farmers, dairy farmers and aqua farmers with quality nutrition through online & offline at all times. So we have made a mobile application to connect and cater millions of livestock farmers all over India.
P&S Starter
P&S Starter weight gainer mix speed is India's highest & best selling goat & sheep feed which guarantees a weight growth of 6 to 8 kg every month.
P&S Milk Replacer
P&S Milk Replacer nourishes baby goats with enriched milk containing Whey Protein, Soy Flour & Vitamin AD3E. 1 Kg of P&S Milk Replacer makes 10 Ltrs of Milk.
P&S Liver Tonic
P&S Liver Tonic & Liver Tonic Powder are very beneficial for improving the appetite of goat, sheep & cattle. Improves liver health and food digestion.
P&S Calcium Tonic
P&S Calcium Tonic & Calcium Tonic Powder are used to strenghten bones of goat, sheep & cattle.
P&S Milko
P&S Milko is the best tonic to improve milk yield in dairy animals such as goat, cow, buffalo & sheep.