Access business information from your PRIMAVERA ERP v10.

Latest Version

Sep 23, 2020
Google Play ID

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PRIMAVERA V10 Mobile is an app which allows you to access business information and ERP functionalities on mobile devices, enabling fast decision making and the performance of tasks that are relevant in a mobility context. The application currently includes three modules – Sales, Human Resources and Clients– to which new modules and functionalities shall be added from time to time. You can access real data from your ERP by subscribing this service.


The Sales module makes it possible to view the sales information of a given company in graphic or table format, organized by timeframe, region, client or sales person. Within the timeframe analysis, the data can be visualized per day, week, month, and quarter or with accumulated values since the beginning of the year, always with a comparison to the same period of the previous year.

Human Resources

The Human Resources module allows you to, among other features, view and print payslips and Annual Income Tax Return reports, as well as access to your processing status with values, deductions, payment methods, etc. You can easily access information about your income history or download / e-mail the detailed payslip in pdf format. Therefore, you will have access to your income data, anywhere and safely.


The Clients Module allows you to access your customers’ data in an easy, fast and secure manner. Through this module you will be able to check the Risk Analysis, Sales Data, Pending Orders, Current Accounts, Average Payment Time, as well as any other recent activity performed by your customers. Along with the Financial Information, this module also gives you the possibility to consult Customer Contact Data, such as Phone Number, Address, and Contact Persons which have been associated through the CRM.
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