PQI Air Bank+ APP
1. Browse remote Air Bank contents.
2. Browse local contents in the App.
3. Download files from Air Bank to local directory.
4. Browse all image files from Air Bank.
5. Browse all audio files from Air Bank, and select a single file to playback the audio content.
6. Browse all video files from Air Bank, and select a single file to playback the video content.
7. Supported file formats:
Document: .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, pptx
Image: .jpg, .png, bmp, .gif
Audio: .mp3, .mp4, .3gp, .wav, .ogg, .imy, .aif
Video: .mp4, .3gp
8. Setting WiFi password, channel, and SSID, and perform reboot and factory reset.