PowerAlarm APP
PowerAlarm.de is a central platform for alerting fire brigades, rescue services, THW, companies, etc.
The alarms can be triggered via SMS, HTTP, email, API, etc.
PowerAlarm forwards the alarms to mobile phones (SMS or app), fax, mail or as a phone call.
With this app you always have access to PowerAlarm. You see the current alarms, the feedback, deliveries and can trigger an alarm for a group at any time.
Alerts for the smartphone are sent via push and can be acknowledged immediately.
The route to the destination is shown on a map, as is the traffic situation.
Secure communication via integrated E2E encrypted messenger.
Prerequisite for using this Android app is an active account at PowerAlarm.de
You can find more information at https://www.PowerAlarm.de
If you have problems or questions, please send us an email to service@fitt-gmbh.de.
Questions / problems cannot be answered in the recessions!